Our History
The Rape & Abuse Center began to provide the 24-hour crisis line.
The Rape & Abuse Crisis Center became an independent agency.
The Board of Directors voted to expand agency services to support all innocent victims of crime.
The Board of Directors voted to change the agency’s name to Crime Victims Assistance Center, Inc.
CVAC became a United Way Member Agency.
NYS Department of Health Rape Crisis Program approved CVAC to certify and train rape crisis counselors for the confidentiality privilege.
First Observance of National Victims’ Rights Week in Broome County. First creation and display of the “Remembrance Wall”.
CVAC celebrated the 20th anniversary of the 24-hour crisis line.
- CVAC received a grant from Dept. of Criminal Justice Services to fund a victim advocate position at the District Attorney’s Office.
- CVAC became the lead agency for the Broome County Child Advocacy Center (CAC).
- CVAC and CAC moved to the new location at 377 Robinson Street in Binghamton’s Eastside.
- CVAC began providing long-term counseling.
- Began providing SAFE examinations at area hospital.
CVAC unveiled the creation of the Broome County Sexual Assault Response Team.
CVAC responded to, and received grants to open a satellite office to address the needs of victims and their families of the American Civic Association shooting on April 3rd.
- CVAC received an award from the New York State Crime Victims Board for dedicated service to the victims of the ACA shooting.
CVAC, together with partners, sponsored a state-wide training on trauma informed care with nearly 150 attendees.
- CVAC began participating in a Domestic Violence Task Force, created by the Broome County District Attorney.
- The New York State Crime Victims Board became the Office of Victim Services.
CVAC began reviewing and responding to Domestic Incident Reports at the Binghamton Police Department.
CVAC created a victim impact panel for those charged with domestic violence-related charges.
- CVAC participated with Office of Children & Family Services and the Dept. of Criminal Justice Services in the creation of the Less is More training to be provided to professionals who take disclosures of child abuse, specifically child sex abuse.
The Safe Harbour program began to serve victims of trafficking and piloted the Broome County Human Trafficking Task Force.
With New York State’s Enough is Enough (Ed. Law 129-B) funding, CVAC created a position & program to begin partnerships with four local campuses (Binghamton University, SUNY Broome Community College, Elmira Business Institute & at the time, Davis College).
- CVAC participated with Prevent Child Abuse New York and the Dept. of Criminal Justice Services in the creation of child abuse prevention standards for New York State.
CVAC celebrated 40 years of serving victims and educating the community of Broome County.
CVAC was provided office space within the Violence Abuse & Rape Crisis Center on Binghamton University Campus.