211: For any local available resource including but not limited to Women, infants and children (WIC), Food and food stamps, Homeless shelters, Substance abuse, Prenatal care, Help with housing assistance, Help with utilities.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- National Mental Health Hotline: 866-903-3787
- The Mental Health Association of the Southern Tier (Mobile Crisis Unit): (607) 771-8888
Domestic Violence:
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Substance Abuse:
- Addiction Center of Broome County: 723-7308
- TDC Substance Abuse Treatment: (866) 513-1374
- Drug Rehab Binghamton: (607) 218-5833
Law Enforcement Agencies (call the agency where the crime occurred):
- Broome County Sheriff’s Office
- New York State Police
- Binghamton Police Department
- Johnson City Police Department
- Endicott Police Department
- Vestal Police Department
Medical Care:
Click the link above for a list of various helpful outside CVAC organizations.